Tuesday 27 April 2010

To Live is to Read and Watch Films

I've always been the classic complusive reader. I read a lot, all the time. I honestly have at least four books going at any given time. That's the minimum. Some of them are re-reads, of course, things that I love to return to. I'm more or less omnivorous when it comes to genre and while I buy a lot of books, I also use the services of the local libraries and borrow books from friends. I also write a lot, mostly for my own amusement. On this blog I'll be discussing the books I've read, the writers I enjoy and whatever is going on with me reading-wise.

Films are another thing for me. When I'm not reading or writing in my spare-time, I'm probably at the cinema or watching a DVD at home. I've got more than my share of DVDs and I go to the cinema often, but I rarely rent movies these days; there are plenty of other film-buffs among my friends and in my family, so we really just swap stuff and save our money a bit. As with books, I have some films that I return to again and again.

So, welcome to a completely personal and utterly biased blog on books and films :)

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