Thursday 3 June 2010

A Spot of Urban Fantasy (Surprised? Not.)

Being at loose ends at this awkward stage between studying and a hypothetical summer job, I've made it my mission to start reading through my towering TBR pile.

I hadn't read Ilona Andrews before, but for a long time I'd heard nice things about her work. Since I felt a hankering for urban fantasy, I picked up On the Edge and started reading. Excellent fun, nice world-building, a good bit of romance, a few great beasties. A thoroughly enjoyable read and a quick one for me since I just breezed through it in one day. Then I wished I hadn't because it ended. It was one of those books :) On to Andrews' other series now, I think...

Nicole Peeler's Tempest Rising was another recommendation. I simply have to bring this up: I was kind of confused by the cover artwork. I don't usually much pay attention to covers since some of my all-time favourites have terrible or tacky covers. Romance and Fantasy as genres are kind of known for the occasional lousy covers, after all. It's not bad, it's actually very pretty in that manga-inspired way, I just think it doesn't fit with the tone of the book. The cover led me to expect something more 'young adult' than the novel was; it was a mature book in my humble opinion. I did like the book very much, the leading character Jane True has to have one of the most distinctive voices I've read and her inner dialogue is incredibly well-written and often laugh-out-loud funny. This story also gets a few bonus points because the leading character isn't a vampire or a werewolf. Thumbs up for the variety :) Loved the story and will read the next installment. Still, I just don't get the cover... But that's details. It's a fun book and absolutely worth checking out.

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